Tuesday, December 06, 2011


''I don't get what you mean...''

''I can't feel what are you going to show...''

''Why you did it like this? There must be some reasons.''

''Are you sure what you are talking is correct?''

"Of course I won't ask the questions which you have expected to answer.''

''Any else to speak to defend?''

''Half of you are failed in the exam.''

''At least 10 people will fail this subject.''

the lecturer said.

I was like wth is going on our final project. We put so much efforts on this project and we all are like going to end up this subject with failed results. Shocked to know it. Sad to put those efforts without gaining nice reciprocation. I regret not trying to make all the things better. I regret not getting it clear before starting to do this project. Actually most of the mistakes can be avoided. *Sigh* Nothing can do now since all the presentations and exam are over completely with criticisms and marks-giving-sessions. However, have to pray for this history subject. Seriously, I have to trust myself indeed with confidence again. Good luck to me! 

I will be mad,
 if those who did nothing can pass this subject,
 instead of us who did most of the work!


  1. if someone not do anything but still can pass really very unfair loh... Stephen also ask many anwser then make me confuse... haizzz........
    50% exam failed ahhh.... I must be the person who failed in the exam... but I pray that I won't fail><

  2. Luckily we all didn't fail lah, I think we are safe since we are not in the OTP list. So surprise to see you here!! Add oil! We won't fail!!


Tick tick tick, since April 2011.

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