Monday, December 31, 2012

Bye 2012

2012 has finally come to the end. I don't need to say how fast the time passed and I bet everyone who is around my age knew it. Thinking to conclude this whole year in this post but I think I will be doing it as simple as possible. You know a story of one year is damn long to tell. I don't like to do this kind of post honestly as I don't really want to recall all the memories back to this whole year even though I don't remember sad things.

1. First, I would like to thank God that I am still alive at this moment. I breathe, I eat, I smile, I sleep...There must be a reason where everything happens in our lives. We went through and we learnt. We are not offered the choice to skip the bad things. But at least we know, we are gonna be alright with God. Thank God for your greatest grace, for all the good and bad things because all these have made me much much better, stronger and more mature.

2. Big thanks to my beloved family. Family means a lot, it really does. You should understand if you have love between. I have no worries in my life whenever I fell down and failed. They are always beside me to give me helping hands, and this is one of the supports I go through the hardship of my life. They are also the people who I can share my happiness and that moment you will know no matter how hard and how much you have paid, it is all worth. Thanks my family for the loves and caring.

3. A must to thank the crazy best friends! Memories stay sweet all the time because of you all. I always miss and want the time we laugh and we talk. No one can do the same except you. The distances could not really separate me from you all, but I am so sorry sometimes I really could not make some of my time for you. More to come for us, let us plan some trips next year! I am looking forward for any gatherings that we would have in the coming days so let's do it a blast.

4. Thank you to the college buddies! The most awesome college buddies ever. To my gang, to the gossip ones, to the funny guys, to the lovely ones, to the classmates and to the new friends. Thanks for being my friends so I am not alone whenever I am at the college. I am happy to know you all as you have given me another ways to know and improve myself. Stay smart everyone and don't get killed by the assignments! TOA rocks ok.

5. Thanks for the friends, brothers and sisters of churches, lecturers, teachers, everyone, whoever, whatever, anything and anyone who know me and helped me. Thanks for everything.

The things have to be done this year have to stay here, don't bring it to the next year. Make a brand new year really new, make it the best year! I already got a lot of things, targets and dreams have to be done and achieved, so let us do it together to make our own best year!

Imma saying goodbye to 2012 with this song!
No More Heroes by Westlife


Sunday, December 30, 2012


Beautiful Woman by December
The story and music video a bit sucks. But the song is actually not bad, there are some parts sound same with Boys Over Flowers ost soundtrack, which SS501's Because I'm Stupid. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Chariots of Fire

Chariots of Fire by Vangelis

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Saturday, December 15, 2012


Lonely and I Am The Best by 2NE1 @ MAMA 2011
This performance was superb! I can say it is my favourite girl kpop group.

Friday, December 14, 2012


Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa - Young, Wild and Free ft. Bruno Mars

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Some Nights

Some Nights by Fun
I was reading some of the comments on YouTube which the others talked about the autotune in this song, no idea what is that, but I love this song anyway!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How Is Life Been?

So sick to keep posting songs and music videos on my blog, but sorry, sometimes seriously I don't have time to blog my own personal stuff like what am I doing recently.

Life is been busy then miserable. I am now trying my best to deal with everything, anything and whatever that is gonna ruin my life. College is currently stopped for three weeks, but this semester break doesn't really mean to me. The coming semesters won't be easy anymore, I know, but I believe no matter how hard is it, I can go through until I wear the graduation suit and cap, there are one and half a year to go. College life is becoming more interesting but busy, the friends are getting closer and funny jokes are everywhere, meeting new friends and lecturers and more and more about the journey of being a ripped and professional designer or photographer or typographer or copywriter or what.

Honestly, everything is fine, but some shitty accidents happened. Like the shit could even change my life. Time passes and so the things pass. Yeah I am still able to stay strong and calm, but sometimes I am not. Thank God that You lead the way for me, my beloved family and so my friends. I really miss the doggie friends so much, when are we going to meet again lah! I hope that everything goes smooth and well in everyone of us. God, You please guide us and help us whenever we need You, thanks for answering our prayers, thank God and Amen.

So here is the random update of me myself in these couple of months, I don't know when will I blog this kind of post again but the songs and music videos which I shared won't let you down seriously!

Last but not least, today is 12.12.12. So let me have a wish and I hope that everything will be there like what we wish and what we dream. Good luck! \(^O^)/

HAPPY 12.12.12

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Today My Life Begins

Today My Life Begins by Bruno Mars
It changes my mood sometimes.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012


红尘客栈 - 周杰伦

Monday, December 03, 2012

Big Bang @ MAMA 2012

Seriously Big Bang!!! Damn yeng!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

MAMA 2012

Trouble Maker @ MAMA 2012
Have to like blank my time for watching this whole award, should be quite nice!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Bop To The Top

Were All In This Together

There was one time I actually addicted to this show, not bad though like now I watch it back.

Btw, Happy Birthday to Chui Teng!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Angels' Voice

Safe and Sound
Jayesslee Cover
Angels' voice here! I can never get bored of them, lovelovelove.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


风声 - 黄晓明

Thursday, November 22, 2012

KarV's 19

Her Birthday was on 8th December. We celebrated her birthday two days before because some of our bunch could not make it on the actual date or either the eve. I was quite busy these few weeks because this semester is going to end one week later! So happy! It also explained why do I blog about it so late. Okay, back to the topic, we planned and decided all the things without her knowing. It was a busy day for some of us, I rushed to their place just after my photography class which was finished at 6pm. Everything was fine but we actually got delayed our plan because of Nen was having her exam that day, so she was rushing also.

After meeting up, we followed our plan to the place of celebration, Souled Out at Ampang. The environment was quite nice but because of late, their kitchen has closed at that moment. What for if we celebrate over there when their kitchen has already closed? Nothing. So we just changed our place to Morganfield's at Pavilion. Unfortunately, it was closing at the time when we reached. I actually felt so bad that could not get a good and nice place shortly but after changing 2-3 places. So after all, we have decided to go to Neway CEO Karaoke at Fahrenheit 88. There was buffet at 12am so I can say like it was one of best choice for the hungry us. It was no more a birthday dinner but supper.

The pretty birthday girl, Kar Wee. Troublesome one who asked to delete those ugly photos. No ugly photos are from me okay? Hahaha

Claire and her.

The rocker, Alice at the middle!

Hot dude and chicks, Nen, Verman, Vince, Leanne and Nicole.

We did chit-chatting and karaokeing until late night and we didn't even know how and when should we bring up the cake and the presents. So we were like winking to each other like saying how and what to do without the birthday girl's knowing. So it ended up with three of us, the guys went and looked for the waiter to prepare for us. This session was so funny because of the non-extinguishable magic candles and also the little surprise of the presents. We prepared a fake present which is also her favourite stuff recently, Herbalife before revealing the real one. She was shouting and exciting like nobody. The Herbalife set was actually hers so she got realized after that but we laughed so hard. No way then, so we only brought up the real presents for her which were my DIY hilarious card, Sephora Naked palette and super yummy Meiji Hello Panda biscuits!

All of us and Kartoon was beside me.

For the time when some of us are going to be 20 then she is only now 19. But so what hahaha! Anyway wishing you for staying pretty and healthy, good luck and best of the best on your study and life. So it was definitely a good time. Hope the next gathering is not too far also, let's look forward on the Christmas celebration, something interesting, funny, exciting and amazing please! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


三年二班 - 周杰伦

Friday, November 16, 2012


TTL( Time To Love) by T-ara and Supernova
Love this song especially the chorus, doesn't matter the music video is not so good.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


心还是热的 - S.H.E

Tuesday, November 06, 2012


Their style and personalities are actually quite strong. Addicted to it so much!
I Love You by 2NE1

Monday, November 05, 2012


放不下 - 郁可唯

Friday, October 26, 2012


Skyfall by Adele

Thursday, October 25, 2012


完 - 陈奕迅

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Angel by Sarah McLachlan
Nice song indeed, but what do you feel on this song?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Safe and Sound

Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars
So emo when I'm listening to this, but definitely a nice song!

Saturday, October 13, 2012


The One and Only You by Kim Soo Hyun
Seriously can't stand for this drama anymore, so nice to feel, to enjoy, to listen and to watch, how to resist?! Yes I am going to slip this in my coming semester break, anyhow I know it is still far from now hahaha, nvm I will be waiting.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


时间倒流/时光倒流 - Lyn

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Do you know Juniel?

My First June/傻瓜 by Juniel & 郑容和

Monday, October 08, 2012

The Blue Sky

This is gonna be a photo spamming post. Recently God did some beautiful paintings on the sky and I was so lucky to see that and I got to take photos. I used to take those photos when I was actually driving, omg can't believe I did such a dangerous thing. So lesson learnt today, at first I was still taking photos while driving but then I realized it can cause fatal accident so I stopped by the roadside, then only pick up my phone to take. I do not want to involve in any car accident, it is definitely a scary shit. None of you want, right? After reaching home, I was still not enough so I ran to take my camera and went out again to do a photoshooting of it.

These two sunset photos ware taken last two weeks in different days. You can see I was actually on the road because I was driving at the same time taking photo hahaha.

The following photos were taken by today using iphone 4s and its panorama camera after updating to iOS 6, but I figured out there is no panorama camera for iphone 4. It's kinda sad because panorama is so fun and the results will be surprisingly amazing. Back to the topic, today's sky was like separated into two parts, one was dark whereas the another part was bright. 

I actually can't believe that iphone could come out such beatiful photos, it really amazed me a lot sometimes. Love this series of panorama photos but honestly I didn't control it well, you can see some parts are like distorted. Basically, we have to be very stable when we are moving our phone to capture the 360 degree's view so the result will be smooth.

The photos below were taken by my camera, I'm not going to say what model because so far I still can't get familiar with it. I feel so shameful. I will be saying if I have got my masterpieces in the coming days, I think it is not too far hahaha. But if you have followed my blog, you must know what the model is. 

Love the feel of this photo. In fact, I actually faced straight to the Sun, hope it didn't harm my lens.

Some of the photos might not be good because I didn't get to edit them. Yeah, so if we compare the photos, the iphone's photos came with more vibrant colours but with camera, we can do manual focusing and so many other stuff also. Anyway, if I could master my photography skills, then everything with the camera must be better. Have to get back to my assignments, stay for my next post bye.

Tick tick tick, since April 2011.

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Appreciating ALL that appear in our lives.