Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How Is Life Been?

So sick to keep posting songs and music videos on my blog, but sorry, sometimes seriously I don't have time to blog my own personal stuff like what am I doing recently.

Life is been busy then miserable. I am now trying my best to deal with everything, anything and whatever that is gonna ruin my life. College is currently stopped for three weeks, but this semester break doesn't really mean to me. The coming semesters won't be easy anymore, I know, but I believe no matter how hard is it, I can go through until I wear the graduation suit and cap, there are one and half a year to go. College life is becoming more interesting but busy, the friends are getting closer and funny jokes are everywhere, meeting new friends and lecturers and more and more about the journey of being a ripped and professional designer or photographer or typographer or copywriter or what.

Honestly, everything is fine, but some shitty accidents happened. Like the shit could even change my life. Time passes and so the things pass. Yeah I am still able to stay strong and calm, but sometimes I am not. Thank God that You lead the way for me, my beloved family and so my friends. I really miss the doggie friends so much, when are we going to meet again lah! I hope that everything goes smooth and well in everyone of us. God, You please guide us and help us whenever we need You, thanks for answering our prayers, thank God and Amen.

So here is the random update of me myself in these couple of months, I don't know when will I blog this kind of post again but the songs and music videos which I shared won't let you down seriously!

Last but not least, today is 12.12.12. So let me have a wish and I hope that everything will be there like what we wish and what we dream. Good luck! \(^O^)/

HAPPY 12.12.12

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