Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hello! Honestly, I do not know who are reading my blog now. I do not even know one who have followed every single post of my blog. Lately I am seriously thinking about my blog. It's dead sometimes, but actually I am going to get used of it. Because I am with NUFFNANG! 

What do you know about Nuffnang? To be honest, I don't know much too, such a failure I am! It has been one year and more I joined Nuffnang. How did the time fly, I bet you would know. There is about 14 days more to end February and comes with March, the truth is time flies twice faster than last year! However, you should not waste your time if you have a blog, come to join Nuffnang! One of the amazing thing about Nuffnang is, you can earn money by blogging. Yeah it is not a joke. get to know more about NUFFNANG now!

What you can see is the money that I earned last whole year is only 2 bucks. No doubt because I have never made my blog an outstanding blog with interesting posts and sometimes I just left it dead. So now what I am going to do is blog and blog and blog to gain readers and visitors! There was a period of time I had my blog down and I only blogged once in a month, so bad! Hope it won't happen again this year.

I bet some of you do not believe to earn by blogging. But what I can tell you is to try and your effort will be paid. Yes I know I earned only 2 bucks for one year, it is because I didn't put much time and effort on it. If there is 2 bucks now, well more 2 bucks will come all the ways to us! So now let's get Nuffnang!

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