Sunday, July 29, 2012

Puay Chai School Carnival

I was planning to blog about this few weeks ago, but I was so busy with the assignments and final projects at the end of semester, so I could only blog now. It was the worst Sunday I had this year because there was an accident that early morning on my way to school. But luckily all were fine and now I can nearly forget about this. No good to recall so just let it go. I was a bit late that day but still fine. It was Puay Chai School Carnival on 1st July. I was there because my sister asked me to go to help and accompany my nephew at his class's stall as she sponsored some fruits.

The stall. There were fruits and crisps from my sis, sweets, snacks, alarms and clocks from the parents of other kids. All the fruits were sold out after three hours and before it ended, the crisps were sold out also!

The another class's stall, they were selling vegetables, smart? lollll

The kid with glasses and yellow sport tshirt is my nephew, yongyong. He is now 9 years old, in Standard 3.

The kids in green sport tshirt is his best friend, very very cute!

Another stall which was selling expensive and classy fruits. ALL SOLD OUT AT LAST! 


Do you spot that big RM20 pricing board? Yeah I designed it!

The carnival ended around 3pm. I was extremely tired and about to faint! I think I was too kind that day, like a teacher who took care the stall, sold all the things, clean all the rubbish, just too kind, I was only a random volunteer to accompany and help my nephew. But just too kind, was waiting until the last then we only left! Yongyong was even more kind, he wanted to stay longer to help his teacher, but that time actually we have already done all the things that we could help, so the teacher thanked and said that we can leave. Not a bad day, quite enjoyable with the kids, but too exhausted. Okayy, stay tuned for my next post, gonna be a super long post bye.

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