Monday, October 08, 2012

The Blue Sky

This is gonna be a photo spamming post. Recently God did some beautiful paintings on the sky and I was so lucky to see that and I got to take photos. I used to take those photos when I was actually driving, omg can't believe I did such a dangerous thing. So lesson learnt today, at first I was still taking photos while driving but then I realized it can cause fatal accident so I stopped by the roadside, then only pick up my phone to take. I do not want to involve in any car accident, it is definitely a scary shit. None of you want, right? After reaching home, I was still not enough so I ran to take my camera and went out again to do a photoshooting of it.

These two sunset photos ware taken last two weeks in different days. You can see I was actually on the road because I was driving at the same time taking photo hahaha.

The following photos were taken by today using iphone 4s and its panorama camera after updating to iOS 6, but I figured out there is no panorama camera for iphone 4. It's kinda sad because panorama is so fun and the results will be surprisingly amazing. Back to the topic, today's sky was like separated into two parts, one was dark whereas the another part was bright. 

I actually can't believe that iphone could come out such beatiful photos, it really amazed me a lot sometimes. Love this series of panorama photos but honestly I didn't control it well, you can see some parts are like distorted. Basically, we have to be very stable when we are moving our phone to capture the 360 degree's view so the result will be smooth.

The photos below were taken by my camera, I'm not going to say what model because so far I still can't get familiar with it. I feel so shameful. I will be saying if I have got my masterpieces in the coming days, I think it is not too far hahaha. But if you have followed my blog, you must know what the model is. 

Love the feel of this photo. In fact, I actually faced straight to the Sun, hope it didn't harm my lens.

Some of the photos might not be good because I didn't get to edit them. Yeah, so if we compare the photos, the iphone's photos came with more vibrant colours but with camera, we can do manual focusing and so many other stuff also. Anyway, if I could master my photography skills, then everything with the camera must be better. Have to get back to my assignments, stay for my next post bye.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant photos!!!
    REally like it!
    Dont take photo while driving again!!!aiyo


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