Monday, April 22, 2013

Les Miserables

Les Miserable is seriously awesome! Wanted to watch when it was still on screen but busy life had me so I couldn't make it. If you have time and you like to sing or listen to songs in an artistic or a story-based way, you should really watch it, story damn good, music damn good, people damn pretty and handsome! I had tears when watching it! You see how touching is it?

Epilogue - Les Miserable

I Dreamed a Dream by Anne Hathaway

Suddenly by Hugh Jackman

Castle on a Cloud by Isabelle Allen

Stars by Russell Crowe

In My Life/ A Heart Full of Love by Eddie Redmayne, Amanda Seyfried and Samantha Barks

Epilogue Finale - Les Miserable

Hope you are enjoying the songs!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Me and My Cello

Happy Together by Steven fromThe Piano Guys

Friday, April 19, 2013

Holiday? Yes or No?

Perfect Nightmare by Shontelle
Holiday? I don't know, I still got loads of work in this semester break, but probably in holiday mood, hahaha chill doesn't kill lar!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

When I Was Your Man

When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars is so good. No wonder every girl takes him as dream man and idol man. This song is so touching and sad, and emo. I believe it actually can make people tear and cry, even me if I got love problem lol. But really, a very good song indeed. You will regret if you never give a chance to listen to it.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Shine Your Way

Shine Your Way by Owl City & Yuna
The Croods, another awesome animation movie after Rise of The Guardians, and its soundtrack is really good that way. It is so amazing and unbelievable that animation movies have slowly taken the place, I mean it is so successful. My brain is so blank, couldn't write more, enjoy the song! Oh, last but not least, I am so proud of Yuna, she is from Malaysia!!!

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Beautiful Boy

Beautiful Boy by Coleen McMahon

Monday, April 01, 2013

Of Monsters and Men

I don't care is it a good month, but I believe everyone can do anything just to make it good.
I was totally messed up recently so I told us myself I must not let shits happen again and again.

Ever wonder how to kick a good start? Come with me!
I just found out there is one awesome band out there, every of their single thing is so much awesome and amazing, especially their music videos got their own art styles and directions which are so nicely and beautifully done. You must not afford to miss it, really.

So here you go, OF MONSTERS AND MEN!

AND here are my favourite songs from them, once I got the first-ear-glimpse on the first song, then I can't stop myself to discover more about them, so basically here are the top 5 for me. There are still other good songs which I don't share here now. You should go and check them out. Enjoy!

Little Talks

King and Lionheart

Mountain Sound

Dirty Paws

Your Bones

Tick tick tick, since April 2011.

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Appreciating ALL that appear in our lives.