Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bye And Hello

七月就要过去了,八月那么快就来到了。以前都在埋怨度日如年,怎么现在都变成了度年如日?我发现我身体状况很极端,没事就精神饱满,有事就长卧病床,真的要开始注意身体了。很快的,下个星期一我就要去学院了,又要离开大家,我一定会不舍得!不过很快我又会回来,而且算很近啦,所以不舍得的感觉只是会在脑海闪过一下就消失了。哈哈哈哈,现在我的颈不知道在搞什么,很酸痛叻,转左转右都痛!再加上头和喉咙也在痛,真的很不好受。还有头发问题及脸上狂爆痘痘也令我发狂!到底发生什么事,救救我吧!唉,不过也只有我自己可以救自己啦,加油就是了!还有当兵的朋友回来了,真的很替你们高兴,恭喜你们!这几个月,我很轻松享受的生活已经到尾声了哦,要开始准备以后的东西了,你们大家都要加油努力哦!家人朋友们,我会想念你们爱你们的,大家加油!God Bless Us!

ByJuly and Hello August !

Wednesday, July 27, 2011



Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Floria Night

Yes, I'm back from Selangor and I'm home now. Fyi, I wanna post about a flower exhibition at Putrajaya as I promised last few days ago. Haha, yes I gonna do my promise now. Actually nothing special, is just flowers, but I wanna update my grave-like-blog! lol. Do forgive me, okay?

It was 16 July, a beautiful Saturday night but sweating, yiak!!! Because there is crowded.

Annual Event at Putrajaya in July. Flower Garden Festival, Floria 2011.

Felt like at New York City when I was at Putrajaya City. The buildings, wide roads, clean streets and thousand of cars.

The little couple Hannon and Thong.


The light's effect!

Katy Perry was there! She came with fireworks! lol kidding only.

The Putrajaya Bridge and the floats.
I can't take clear and nice pictures unless with good camera, I just used my bb.

All the people were around the lakeside to see the floats.

This bicycle gang is really sucks! I wondered why they were there to jam the road.

Guests Book.

Can you see my name on the guests book? Haha, and also my bro's and Thong's.

— Here are some close-up pixes! —

Uhh-umm, nice?

We went closer to the lake, but still can't take good photos, must with camera to take good photos!

Is this call LOVE?

The lights were changing their colors.

My mum.

Mum and sis Hannah.

My sis' husband and them.

Say goodbye to flowers!

We met the bridge on the way back.

You can view more photos through Thong's fbbut she haven't upload the photos as she is  busy these few days, so stay tuned! 
Blog next time, byebye!

Tick tick tick, since April 2011.

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Appreciating ALL that appear in our lives.