Yes, I'm back from Selangor and I'm home now. Fyi, I wanna post about a flower exhibition at Putrajaya as I promised last few days ago. Haha, yes I gonna do my promise now. Actually nothing special, is just flowers, but I wanna update my grave-like-blog! lol. Do forgive me, okay?

Annual Event at Putrajaya in July. Flower Garden Festival, Floria 2011.
Felt like at New York City when I was at Putrajaya City. The buildings, wide roads, clean streets and thousand of cars.
The little couple Hannon and Thong.
The light's effect!
Katy Perry was there! She came with fireworks! lol kidding only.
The Putrajaya Bridge and the floats.
I can't take clear and nice pictures unless with good camera, I just used my bb.
All the people were around the lakeside to see the floats.
This bicycle gang is really sucks! I wondered why they were there to jam the road.
Guests Book.
Can you see my name on the guests book? Haha, and also my bro's and Thong's.
— Here are some close-up pixes! —
Uhh-umm, nice?
We went closer to the lake, but still can't take good photos, must with camera to take good photos!
Is this call LOVE?
The lights were changing their colors.
My mum.
Mum and sis Hannah.
My sis' husband and them.
Say goodbye to flowers!
We met the bridge on the way back.
You can view more photos through Thong's fb, but she haven't upload the photos as she is busy these few days, so stay tuned!
Blog next time, byebye!
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