Monday, August 27, 2012

The Happy Kid

If you read my previous post, you should have known that my niece's birthday was on last week. This kid is my cute niece Yanyan. At first I was not planning to blog about this because I did not take many photos on that day but I am too free so I try to do a simple post, here you go.

I ordered the Barney cake, it was a pandan layer cake. It tasted not that good as I think there were too much dyes, flavorings and sweeteners. I have no idea because it got chemical taste. But the another fruit cake was fine and nice especially the fresh cream and fruits. I don't care if you buy a whole cream birthday cake for me. No doubt I love fresh cream very much!

The dishes we had that day were awesome! It made me so craving now even I had my dinner two hours ago!

Lastly, the very last week of my long holiday has finally come! Should plan it very very well. Oh yeah and my result will be released tomorrow if I am not mistaken, God bless! I know I can do it, stay for my good news hahaha.

1 comment:

  1. God, I am drinking milo right now and saw your food picture!!
    Hate you! XP
    hmm, cream birthday cake...Should think abt it for your next birthday!!haha!


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