Thursday, June 30, 2011


Hello I'm here again! Now it's the end of June (omg so fast), left one month holiday to me before open school. Sadly, my June ends with a super depressed week, so sad. ='(  Half a year has passed, what did I gain at this period? Seems nothing? If yes, my life must like a *shit*. But actuallly I think NO  ,there must be something that I gained in this half of year. PLKN? Earning money? Caring and loving to my family and friends? Fun of my teenage days? Whatever, I'm sure I gained something useful and meaningful to make my life more beautiful. Arhhh, now my brain is totally blank blank blank, don't know what to write, and Idk what I am writing now, *blur*.

*Refresh*. Okay, now I just wanna to stop my depression here, please don't flow with me into July and the next. So just staying happy anytime in my life, and always keep my mind fresh and clear! A must for you too. Any problems will be fine and dreams will come true, okay? My family and my friends, good luck to you all again, fight and make your lives more beautiful and wonderful, god bless and I will pray for you. q[n.n]p

Smile and smile and smile. Yeah!!!

Make the life of your style !

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Getting fat?

Since Form 4, I always worry about my face problem, hair problem, height problem, but now also my weight problem. Am I really getting fat? Or do I fa fuk? Fyi,my height is always a big problem to me. Sometimes, I think that I'll be taller if I eat much, but NO. For me, the food and vitamins can't increase my height but they work on increasing my weight. How come? Now the truth tells me they are doing this, making me fat. I dun wan, please dun
treat me like this.

OMG! I dun wanna be a short yet fat man, it kills me!! It is a super double trible big large problem to me now, I dun wan to be old this time, I still young. Annoying, but I will be fine then, dun worry. lolllll

I will solve all the problems, so smile. =)

Monday, June 27, 2011


最近一直心情低落,不知道怎么办,而且思想烦躁,浑身不自在。唉,都不知道在搞什么鬼!应该是很多事情要做吧,而且很多问题冲着我来。不过幸好刚才下午去了银行,都算解决了一些烦恼,但是还有很多在敲门等着要跟我say hello了。待办事项多得不得了,而且还好像患上妄想症,晚上也几乎失眠,但还好睡得着。最近由于一直想要对自己的生活做个大改变,这个又想要,那个又想要,所以近期都很勤劳早起床,去帮忙老爸工作,赚小钱,哈哈哈哈。想不到我都大概连续地帮忙了10天,但中途就有间断了一天,因为去学院!哈哈哈哈,其实也没有什么的啦,全部都是自己拿来烦,很快就过去的啦,要继续努力,梦想就要成真了,哈哈哈哈,祝福我吧!

Ehh please, don't be like that, ho bo?

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Do I looked depressed? Or dull? No, definitely, I'm depressed. =(

What wrong with me? I feel soooo upset. Suddenly many things come towards me and I still can't digest all the things. They are mixing with my mind and confusing me. Urghh!!! I have done my registration in IACT College for diploma in graphic design few days ago, actually I should be relax, right? But now I seem like getting adverse respond. Soooo annoying. What should I do? Play games to avoid thinking? Or make my plan again? *Sigh* I think, actually there are some problems coming to spoil my plan and making my plan sucks, so I'm depressed, upset and moody. Now, only one way to make it easier, think, plan and solve it. I dun wan keeping stuck in such condition and waste my time. Clear it and I will become this. *Smile*
Do I looked happy now? lolllll. Well, good luck to you all. q[^ v ^]p

Oopps, something to tell here is, the ulceration in my mouth is fully recovered and I can eat everything again, hoooooraayyy!!!

I will be fine then. God bless.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Today is?

Actually wanna post this earlier, but can't finish this on time. 
Sunday  19 June 2011

Hello,a short update's here today!! What today is? Can't be neglected, today is Father's Day, wishing all the fathers happee. So what do u gift to your papa today? I just simply prepared a cake and a diy card because I have no idea to deal with it and no much money, no time, no transport to prepare. So I just exerted my interest of design to make a diy card. Is this card successful?


This is my diy card, very nice huh, right?? lolllll. Is there any problems that I don't want to show you the content of this card? And do you wanna know? Haha, actually * nothing special*, so forget about it. =)

Orange Cake. For my father who is 60-yr-old ++, I think this type of cake is more suitable if compared with tiramisu, blueberry, cheese cake and others? Maybe, but too much cream on this cake, not suitable also, high cholesterol and tons of sugar inside.  

Do you still remember that my last little post of KL? I decided to cancel it and add to this post. Actually I have no photos for that post so no need to make a new post. lollll. Recently I'm quite happy to get some new stuffs. Some t-shirts, short pant, birkenstock, beg, bb cases and wallet. Actually I'm trying to upgrade myself, in whatever aspect, I hope I can have a change, but money flies much, so sad but trying to earn much is okay. Let us to get change in our 18 yrs old lives!!! Cheers to continue. =)

 I hate ULCERATION!!! 
Doctor? Outing? Dye hair?

Thursday, June 16, 2011



星期三早上搭巴士去劳勿,下次可以不要再搭巴士了吗?很累啊TT!!!对了,上次有post一个Raub to Sungai Ruan的巴士时间表,不过是很久以前了的,现在来更新一下。

Raub to Sungai Ruan


很明显的,现在比以前少了很多班巴士。如果你的时间很紧抽的话,千万要看好时间,不要miss bus 哦!如果你很多时间,等几久都不用紧咯,哈哈哈哈!



可爱的唐永恩,叫他yan yan,看到他就会觉得很开心。


星期六一整天都在看Pokemon还有Kung Fu Panda,不过都很好笑一下的。



火锅后我们就去散散步,兜兜风。他们带我去看看一个有钱人的地方-Desa Park City,那里真的很美,真是不同一点的。那里有个很大的公园,有湖畔,舒服又美丽!下次有机会再去。

星期日跟二姐和哥哥去吃Kota Damansara吃早餐。我们去吃板面,好吃到!真的很好吃。那里是板面专卖店,如果没有错,店名叫Jojo Little Kitchen,有机会也去试一试!是不是很多东西介绍叻?哈哈哈,全部都要去试试,好耶来的!过后去Bangsar兜风看大屋子,照片里的就是其中一间大屋子,三层楼哦,还有lift的!

星期日的晚餐,哥哥带我去Subang Jaya的Asia Cafe, 在INTI College的对面罢了。那里有很多东西吃,西方东方都有,越南泰国意大利都到齐。哈哈哈,那里还有卖DVD的档口,有很多戏,吃饱后也可以买戏回家看。那里也有网吧,也有茶太!哇,Subang Jaya INTI 的学生真是好享受。不过好像很杂很危险,都是安全第一啦,在安全的情况下才去试吧!

星期一回老家之前,在水果店玩二姐的电话,玩这个跟着人讲话跟着人吵的。越来越多版本了,不过还是Talking Tom比较好笑,哈哈哈。这个游戏只有Touch Screen phone才有,唉,算吧啦!

最后送上Talking Tom 2 的可爱讲话片段,哈哈哈!

Is there ulcer in my mouth? Freaking PAIN!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

First step Completed.

I received a letter of admission from IACT College this morning to inform me bout the orientation day and other do re mi fa so......" IACT College is pleased to admit you into the Diploma..." the letter said. So fyi, I have registered for diploma course in iact last Wed. A week ago. All the registration have almost been done that day. I just have to bank in the left payment about course fee and accommodation to complete the registration.

Receipt of my payment. Still left 3/4 haven't pay yet. I remember that the miss involved in registration was shocked when I told her I paid in cash. She wondered how can I bring a large amount of cash. Actually I was not going to make full payment, just wanna pay a little 1st.

Filled up this form and submitted it, then done. I filled up the form of accommodation also. No places to stay temporarily, only got this choice now. Ermmmm, actually I thought about my sis' house but super very far from PJ, must cause inconvenience, so OUT.

Now wanna apply this ptptn loan. MUST get it!!! *HOPE*

The letter I received this morning. You can try to read, lol.

And do you read the note I highlighted? I'm happy that I don't need to take English test on orientation day. Huuurrayyyyyyy!! 

That's all for my registration, how about you friends?? Good luck to you and me. =)

No work no money, camera's dream breaks. =(

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Genting Fun

哈咯,我又回来了!我上个星期三去KL了,到昨天下午才回来,现在又是时候分享我的旅程啦。在6月9日,也就是上个星期四,和大姐一家人去了云顶,除了他的小女儿,因为还小,冷到就不好了。那天早上我们在Seapark吃了点心早餐后,就出发了。大姐夫在Outdoor Theme Park 放我、大姐和永永下车,接着我们就去买票了。

我们买了Express Pass Ticket。有了这个票,大多数的游戏都不需要排队就能玩哦,其实很不错。你们都知道那些排队的人有几多的啦,用多一点钱就不需要排队直接玩,真的不错!但是这个票并不是包完所有游戏,有一些比较热门的游戏还是需要排队,例如:跳楼机、赛车、旋转飞椅(一进门右手边转到头晕的那个)、俩人划船、碰碰船、古董车及恐龙世界。其他的都不需要排队,抵!


其实永永一开始都不敢玩这个*小型跳楼机*,他很胆小,但是玩了之后,他说他还想玩多一次。『= =』''''



唉,原来永永不会玩碰碰车,只是被别人撞,然后有个负责的小姐教他玩,最后才开始撞人家。『= =』''''





大家都很喜欢玩这个吧,但是每次都排长龙,只要有Express Pass就可以直接玩咯!

很刺激但很臭的Flying Coaster!





离开恐龙世界后,我们就去坐单轨车和迷你火车环绕整个Theme Park啦。

大姐要买动物帽子给他,因为他很喜欢Kung Fu Panda所以选了熊猫,哈哈哈。





离开outdoor后就去找大姐夫,然后准备拿车回家。路途经过打机场,就等了永永打了几场才回。  云顶之旅就结束了,下次有机会再去玩吧!

Byebye Genting and see you next time!!!

For more photos, please visit yongyong facebook .

Tick tick tick, since April 2011.

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