Saturday, June 25, 2011


Do I looked depressed? Or dull? No, definitely, I'm depressed. =(

What wrong with me? I feel soooo upset. Suddenly many things come towards me and I still can't digest all the things. They are mixing with my mind and confusing me. Urghh!!! I have done my registration in IACT College for diploma in graphic design few days ago, actually I should be relax, right? But now I seem like getting adverse respond. Soooo annoying. What should I do? Play games to avoid thinking? Or make my plan again? *Sigh* I think, actually there are some problems coming to spoil my plan and making my plan sucks, so I'm depressed, upset and moody. Now, only one way to make it easier, think, plan and solve it. I dun wan keeping stuck in such condition and waste my time. Clear it and I will become this. *Smile*
Do I looked happy now? lolllll. Well, good luck to you all. q[^ v ^]p

Oopps, something to tell here is, the ulceration in my mouth is fully recovered and I can eat everything again, hoooooraayyy!!!

I will be fine then. God bless.

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