Thursday, June 30, 2011


Hello I'm here again! Now it's the end of June (omg so fast), left one month holiday to me before open school. Sadly, my June ends with a super depressed week, so sad. ='(  Half a year has passed, what did I gain at this period? Seems nothing? If yes, my life must like a *shit*. But actuallly I think NO  ,there must be something that I gained in this half of year. PLKN? Earning money? Caring and loving to my family and friends? Fun of my teenage days? Whatever, I'm sure I gained something useful and meaningful to make my life more beautiful. Arhhh, now my brain is totally blank blank blank, don't know what to write, and Idk what I am writing now, *blur*.

*Refresh*. Okay, now I just wanna to stop my depression here, please don't flow with me into July and the next. So just staying happy anytime in my life, and always keep my mind fresh and clear! A must for you too. Any problems will be fine and dreams will come true, okay? My family and my friends, good luck to you all again, fight and make your lives more beautiful and wonderful, god bless and I will pray for you. q[n.n]p

Smile and smile and smile. Yeah!!!

Make the life of your style !

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